Im banne der Qual

Sometimes I find those mysteries that I am unable to solve. I found art from a book titled Im banne der Qual, published in 1924 and no information about the artist. The book was written by an author using the name Holder van Ruten (obvious a metoforical play on spanking subjects) as part of a serie... Continue Reading →

Kurt Faber

In the books from Ernst Schertel Der Flagellantismus als literarisches Motiv, published between 1929 and 1932, many artworks and photos are shown. There are a few artworks that seem to be photomanipulations, the name for the artist mentioned is Kurt Faber. I could not find anything for this artist other than a few rare artworks.... Continue Reading →

Alexander Szekely

In my previous blog about the book Jacinthe I introduced artist Alexander Szekely. Alexander Sandor Szekely (1901 – 1968) was a very well-known graphic artist who worked in Budapest, Vienna and Paris between 1920 and 1940. This arstist was well know for making erotic drawings, some of which made lots of money at auctions. He... Continue Reading →


Jacinthe, ou les images de péché is a typical account of a girl’s initiation into spanking while at a particularly disciplinarian girls’s school. Wriiten by Liane Lauré, possibly the pen name of a woman whose real name was Donville and who also wrote under the pseudonyms Liane Delorys, Liane de Lorys, Liane de Lauris and Lucette de Chatay.The... Continue Reading →

Prince Valiant

Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur, often simply called Prince Valiant, is an American comic strip created by Hal Foster in 1937. It is an epic adventure that has told a continuous story during its entire history, and the full stretch of that story now totals more than 4000 Sunday strips. The strip... Continue Reading →

1792 Spanking Art

From a very old book, published in 1792. No known artist. The title from the book is De L'Utilite de la Flagellation dans les Plaisirs du Mariage et dans la Medecine .

Jiří Winter

Jiří Winter (1924 - 2011) also known as Neprakta, was one of the best known illustrators and cartoonists from Czech Republic. He worked for Czechoslovak television after it started its broadcast. His cartoons had been used for the first TV intermissions in Czechoslovakia. de a lot of drawings and cartoons (mostly in cooperation with Miroslav Švandrlík, who produced text comments for that) for many Czechoslovak... Continue Reading →

Suske and Wiske Spankings

Being a Dutch girl I grew up with the comic Suske and Wiske, on the amazing tumblr SPK Comics you can discover a very large, and well organized, collection spankingartworks that appeared in Comics.Here are 4 artworks from Suske and Wiske. I also provided a translation for the text, to see it you need to... Continue Reading →

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